BSA’s “SAFETY PAUSE slogan is a convenient manner by which to address risk management during the planning and conduct of an activity:

PAUSE before you start, ASSESS possible hazards, UNDERSTAND how to proceed safely, SHARE your plan with others, and EXECUTE the plan safely.  Scouting Magazine, Nov.-Dec., 2013, March-April, 2015, p. 9.

Lake Champlain Trek Monday Night

The above is pretty non-specific as to the meaning of the statement “understand how to proceed safely”.  Typically, outdoor recreation organizations will determine if the identified hazards can be tolerated so that the activity may proceed, or whether the activity must be modified for the risk to be tolerated, or if the risks are too major to be tolerated, such that the activity must be canceled.

Parents both trust and expect adult leaders to make the right call taking into account the welfare of their sons.  The above SAFETY PAUSE  slogan is a good place to start. 


BSA’s “Safety Pause” slogan