DSCN0337In his book “Wilderness Secrets Revealed ” (p. 255, 2013), author Andre-Francois Bourbeau expresses the view that it helps to   answer the following pessimistic scenarios before undertaking an outdoor activity:

(1) What happens if departure is delayed for some time?

(2) Can I survive if I lose my gear?

(3) Will assistance be reasonably available at all times?

(4) How serious will it be if I make a mistake?

If the answer to these questions is “I won’t like it because I will suffer“, Mr. Bourbeau concludes that you may choose to proceed.

If the answer to these questions is “I die“, Mr. Bourbeau concludes that you should strongly reconsider!

Good questions to include in your list of pre-activity questions . . . particularly since youth are involved!

Manage risk by being pessimistic!