The movie “White Mile” (trailer found here) (available on DVD and used in support of some university outdoor recreation courses) is based on a true life event where several adult participants perished during a “corporate-bonding” white water rafting event in Canada.

The point is made in the movie that some participants may have felt pressured to participate on the trip, organized by their corporate boss, despite the perceived (and actual) challenging conditions of the river, which conditions were apparently beyond the skill level and physical ability of some participants (particularly those who perished).


Indeed, as stated during the movie by an actor portraying a trip survivor, “When people’s lives are at stake, I think people are entitled to decide for themselves how much risk they will be exposed to.”  The movie is indeed instructive on this point (at least as to adult participants) and worth a viewing.

However, the “deciding for themselves” standard may only apply to adults, and not to youth, who may otherwise be incapable of “assuming the risk” which may be encountered during an activity due to age, maturity, lack of experience, or technical skills.  Hence, the need for “qualified supervision” by attending adult leaders, acting as guardians for the youth during the activity.

During a 1995 Scouting white water kayak event, a Scout perished after failing to navigate around a log barrier in the river. One of the attending adults subsequently purportedly commented in response to the tragedy that  “No one was to blame. These things just happen. Everyone who came for the trip accepted the dangers when they signed up.

But, did (or could) such a youth have “accepted the dangers” when he signed up?  Indeed, was it even foreseeable that the kayakers would have had to confront such an impediment in the river, such that they would have known of such a danger, much less be capable of assuming the risk inherent in such a danger? Again, the only participants likely capable of assuming such risk were the attending adults, not the youth participants, even if such risks were clearly known, which they may not have been.  It is no solace to a parent to say “These things just happen, your son knew what he was getting into on this trip.”


Parks Canada  now has in place regulations  that prohibit entry by custodial groups (such as Scout groups) into the backcountry during the winter when the conditions are potentially catastrophic (such as extreme avalanche conditions).  This regulation is a society-imposed recognition that youth are incapable of assuming the risks of such an activity, particularly when the risks are potentially catastrophic, and that adults should not be permitted to assume such risks on their behalf under those circumstances.

Indeed, as a reminder, Parks Canada publishes the following reminder about risk in the backcountry and custodial groups:

“Planning ahead for backcountry travel is an absolutely essential part of the experience – a well prepared group with well researched options has the best chance for success. Of primary importance when planning a trip with custodial groups, is involving more than just the participants themselves. Parents and institutions also need reliable information if they are to make decisions on behalf of their children or students.”

“This requires extra effort on the part of everyone involved to explain the trip details, options, and risks in a clear and concise format that an untrained parent, group leader, or teacher will understand. These same people bear an equal or greater responsibility to listen to the information, and to ask questions which will ensure they understand the risks the group may face.”

“All parents want to make the right decisions on behalf of their children and their own family’s tolerance for risk. It is a major responsibility of the institutions organizing these trips, to assist those parents in making informed decisions.”

It is thus important for adult leaders to both understand the inherent risks associated with an activity, while also sufficiently informing the Scouts’ parents of such risks so that “informed consent” may be obtained for each Scout’s participation.  The Scouts, and their parents, will thank you.

Safe Scouting!

Who can “assume the risk” of an activity?